Private Lessons

Additional Information
​Benefits of Private Lessons:
Full attention of the coach, who is the dedicated resource to your daughter’s success in volleyball.
Resource; during private lessons coaches will inspire girls to play at their best with a positive attitude and accountability.
Give constant feedback to their progress and are available when they have questions or need direction with their position or game.
Get the most out of their coach’s instruction and work directly on what they need to improve on which helps elevate their overall game
Receive targeted conditioning in the specific areas related to their position that are holding the athlete back from reaching their full potential on the court.
Payment has to be made at the lesson and paid in full directly to the coach. For each coach’s background, head over to our STAFF page.
To inquire about Private Lessons instructor's availability and to schedule lessons, contact them via email. Please include player’s name and the training you are interested in.
Address: 13901 Sheldon Rd. Tampa FL 33626
Carlos: cmarcano2001@gmail.com
Jourdan: jourdanfarris@icloud.com
Dani: eldani369@gmail.com
Lexi: lexinthompson14@gmail.com
Samuel: samuelmartinez7898@gmail.com
Nashaly: coachcollazodvc@gmail.com
Eliann: eliannq23@gmail.com
Jandra: jandrafabian94@gmail.com
Misty: mistyozbek@gmail.com
Cancellations must be received 24 hours prior to the lesson. This will be a courtesy to the instructor and an opportunity to fill your slot. Cancellations inside of 24 hours will require the complete payment of the corresponding fee.
Sign up and book private lesson trough the following link
Minor children (under 18) must be accompanied by an adult (relative) during individual clinics.
DVC reserves the right of admission.